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Protective Wear Clothing

Care and comfort from head to toe.  Protective clothing is the basis of practicing hygiene. Protective...

Touch-free Hand Sanitizer stand

It has been a year since we are fighting, surviving, and supporting each other in this pandemic. We ne...


Coffee connects us in so many ways – to each other, to our senses, and to the earth that supports the ...

Ready to keep up your sleeping experience?

During sleep, pillows help to hold the upper body in place, relieve pressure and counterbalance the po...

Do you really need a separate towel for your face?

"Towels are accessories, so why not use them to shake up the look of your loo?”  -Jason Oliver-Nixon, ...

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for His &Her

Hope 2021 starts as a strong, loving, and interesting year.  “Each time you love, love as deeply as if...

How to wear a mask properly

How to wear a mask properly? Who would have thought that face masks will become a big part of our life...

Right Hangers for Your Hotel

Hotel accessories are just as important as a comfortable bed or plush towels. By providing hotel room ...

Why is Face Shield so Important in Fighting COVID-19?

As the Coronavirus is spreading and people are engaged in fighting COVID-19, Hospitality Emporium thri...

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