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Marketing restaurants has changed dramatically over the years. What worked 10 years ago, or even last ...

Face & Hand Towels - Are They different?

Towels are a necessity in daily life if not a luxury, and they're probably something most people don't...

Create a relaxing SPA atmosphere

When you think of the word SPA, a universal picture likely comes into your mind. While each spa is uni...

Thomaston Mills

Thomaston Mills was founded in 1899 by R.E. Hightower is the oldest domestic sheet mill in the USA. Th...

What are Amenities?
Business hotels are growing. These provide multiple ideal amenities for business travelers that they need to be connected to all the time.
Why Hotel amenity is important program insofar as the ambiance and quality of the property?
It is easy to overlook the importance of using all of your senses to create a memorable experience for your guest. Consider why your guests are traveling,
Pamper your guests throughout their stay with Indoor slippers. People’s requirements for life are continually improving as the social economy continues to
Frontline Healthcare workers are ESSENTIAL!
Frontline health workers are the foundation of effective health systems; they are often based in and from the communities they serve, they play an important role
The right bedsheet is the key to a refreshing morning!

Sleeping is an essential part of our human life; the night bedding is a prime necessity for relaxing ...

Hand Washing: Why It’s So Important COVID-19

One of the most important actions we can take to stop getting sick and spreading germs to others is to...

Disposable Gloves – Nitrile & Vinyl Gloves

Disposable gloves are one of the most effective tools for preventing infection and protecting hands fr...

Advantages of Electric Kettle

We all are familiar with how electric appliances are getting immense attention in our daily life. To m...

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